Saturday, May 8, 2010

Demon Slayer in Training

I've always heard God never gives you more than you can handle.  Sometimes I think God likes to mess with folks in ways that boggles one's mind.  God  gives them a bucketful of things to handle and then sits back & laughs as we juggle it all.

Not that I'm complaining  ~ I learned to juggle very young.

Right now life is a mixture of fun and tragedy.  So to overcome tragedy I have decided life needed cheering.  The best way to cheer life up is "fresh paint and make over one's humble nest".

We have a small cottage style home.  Tiny and just perfect for two old folks.  Ha Ha he is old - I'm still a Spring Chicken!

Any how I decided since God is being a bit of a jouster at this time we needed color. Bright Colors!

I've always wanted a red kitchen.  Well actually any room could be red in my humble opinion but never was brave enough.  As a recent demon slayer in training ~ I marched down to Lowe's Home Improvement Center returning home with cans of Red, Yellow, Blue and Ultra Bright White paint to redo the two main rooms in our tiny cottage.

On Wednesday I started my quest.  White first for ceiling, pantry hallway, and one wall in kitchen.  Then I did the Red wall.  Thursday I did the Yellow wall.  The kitchen is Finally my dream come true.  Even with cabinets that are the original ones from when the house was built in 1959 I must brag it looks FANTASTIC!

Now I have no excuse not to be inspired to cook awesome Delicious meals, plus wonderful Gourmet desserts!

Now on to the living room that will be Navy Blue and White.  Stay tuned for the adventure of Living In Color with  the Demon Slayer in Training of Boring beige walls.

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