Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unsprung by the Snow Gods

This morning Anchorage awoke to a fresh blanket of snow.  Wow the weather station was actually correct in the forecast!  Thanks Jackie ~ please bring back the SUN!

Many of you outside Alaska may be thinking...Hey it's Alaska It Snows...wrong by mid April it should be melting not snowing LOL!  We Alaskan's want to see green by April and May have our tree's starting to bud. 

So for the record an official photo of the day "April 14, 2010 Six inches of snow at 9am"

As I mentioned yesterday my adventure of Pantry organizing ~ a glance onto a shelf of things we use.  My guy loves corn nuts...I personally can't stand them terribly salty and rock hard!  If I'm going to be bad and eat lots of salt Give me Potato Chips.  As I look at my photo I'm so glad everything is not in alphabetical order ~ at least it shows a am a tad relaxed when organizing.

P.S. another note: when I use a can good for cooking, I do rinse the veggies in fresh running cold water before use to rid them from most of the salt.  Although many company's are now selling low salt or no salt canned goods ~ so I do purchase those when available! 


  1. Now now....At least in Fairbanks we've gotten fresh snow all the way into May! Yes, it is disheartening when you see breakup taking place and then you wake up to several inches on new snow. Just remember, new snow melts faster than old compacted snow.
    As for the pantry...nice! My guy loves corn nuts too...go figure. I too shall have a pantry some day. Ummmm who said we are supposed to have our cabinets organized alphabetically?

  2. The best part of new snow...makes everything look clean!

    Ha I now I understand why our guys got along!

    Pantry's I had one in my Victorian House in St. Louis...they are a Must Have! LOL no don't have to be in alphabetical order but my items all have to be in same order (all white beans together or red beans, all canned meats together (Tuna & Salmon) all soups together, all baking items are on same shelf, all dried noodles are in one section on certain shelf, Etc Etc.


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